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Become Your Best... Invest In Yourself



You can waste endless hours and money sitting through hours of hotel seminars or Join Today 

  • Access to exclusive videos and materials
  • Two ongoing, structured, sequential training programs only 8 to 15 minutes long every week
  • Taught by International Master Sales Trainer John Ace Underwood
  • Includes printable manuals and worksheets
  • Watch anywhere, anytime... from any device
  • Unlimited access to all archived training and materials

How it works...

Bonus #1: MicroTALKS

Nothing will inspire you more than meeting those that are already doing it...  and doing it extremely well. In these brief, “no fluff” interviews, these highly successful sales professionals will share the three things they know to be the secrets of their success. Sit back, relax and listen to those that made it to the top and let them share with you what got them there.

Bonus #2: MicroTOPICS

In order to become better at what you do, you need to become better at who you are. While our MicroSEMINARS and MicroTIPS are instructional, MicroTOPICS will motivate and inspire you. Whenever we get something worth knowing and thinking about, we’ll send you a video directly to your inbox. No fluff… just great insight and information to keep you mentally and emotionally at your best!

Bonus #3: MicroTIPS

These are 2-5 minute videos containing some of the most effective sales tips we can provide. And, if you can’t afford our MicroSEMINARS monthly membership, or you’re just not ready to fully commit to joining our support community, all is not lost. MicroTips are a great way to start improving your sales performance.

Not ready to invest just yet? ​

Get MicroTIPS here... FREE OF CHARGE!

With MicroSEMINARS you don't pay outrageous training fees and you don't miss a minute of floortime.  Most importantly, you have unlimited access to all the training to go back and review any time you want.

But the biggest difference is that MicroSEMINARS is actionable.  Each Monday you get access to a training video that introduces a new technique or strategy.  Then, every Wednesday you get a follow-up video that teaches you how to implement that strategy quickly and effectively in your own sales environment.

Get MicroSEMINARS  Today 

Introductory Offer: 30 DAY FREE TRIAL - Then Just $99/month!

This is a very easy and convenient way to get great sales training. The videos were insightful and made sense; I'd recommend this for anyone in sales."

Mackenzie O., WI
Licensed Realtor / Home Builder

Finally, a training program delivered in bite-sized pieces. I get the education video on Monday and the implementation video on Wednesday. Could not be more simple.

 Kaytee M., Salem OR - Manufactured / Modular Homes


“What’s not to like? 5 – 15 minute videos, sent every week to my inbox. No more sitting in seminars for days, and after each video I feel motivated!

Rodney D., Essex, UK -  
RV and Camper Sales